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Teaching Philosophy


           I believe that each student has the right to an education and each should be able to use their unique learning styles throughout this process. As a teacher, it is my duty to find an effective learning path for each of my students to understand and apply material. It is also my responsibility to be sure that students are meeting my positive expectations. 
           As an educator I should use a variety of methods in the classroom to educate your students. Students should become masters of all required and mandated material for their grade level; however, I believe it is important that educators push beyond the textbooks and standards to authentic activities that can connect their knowledge to real world situations. In order to reach all learners, I have actively involved large and small group discussions, group work with various projects and independent inquiry.  I expand on concepts by using different technologies available, including the internet, workbooks, and hands on activities, to be sure that students are exceeding expectations.
            Student life and social skills are also a main component of a student’s education inside and outside the classroom. Creating respect, responsibility, fairness, and equality is vital in the classroom. I am a firm believer of modeling and teaching these skills so students know what is expected of them as citizens and members of the classroom.
            The grade a student receives should be reflective of how much they have mastered and can apply to other situations. Different informal assessments should be used such as group work, exit slips, written compositions, drawings, and oral presentations. These assessments are used prior to, during and after the unit/lesson, which allows me to see where the students have gained understanding and gauge my teaching as well. I also believe it is important for students to have formal assessments, such as standardized tests, to understand as a teacher the performance of your students, class, and school as a whole. 
            As an effective teacher, I create an environment where all students feel comfortable and can learn despite their learning styles, background and knowledge level. Creating a classroom community with a positive environment from day one is critical. Having a effective classroom environment allows for multiple viewpoints and interests and positive peer interaction as well as student teacher interaction. Along with creating an environment where all students can succeed, I will foster a place where students feel comfortable coming to me for support and help.
            As an educator, I will always be a life-long learner. I will be consistently keeping up with professional development, technology, and differentiated instruction. This will ensure that my students are will be well prepared for their futures and will be able to see how far learning can take them.


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