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Using WordPress, I first created this blog in CEP 811. This blog was used for many courses in the MAET program. Readers will find many examples of course work that I completed through the journey of the program. You will be able to see the growth that I made through out the beginning few classes that I took within this program. 

Using Wix, I created a website to be used at my final portfolio and master's degree showcase. This site includes pages and links to demonstrate my learning and experience with technology. 

Technology has the potential to transform any classroom when done the right way and integrated with pedagogy and content. My Dream It project discussed one way in which technology can help solve a problem of reading comprehension and vocabulary in the classroom. By reading this document, you will get and idea of how the transformation would occur in a classroom based on educational technology research. 

Technology Showcase

​Here you will find a snapshot of some of the papers, group projects, videos, and podcasts and many other assignments I made throughout my Educational Technology Master's through Michigan State University. Click on the pictures or the titles to go to each assignment.  

Webpages and Blogs

I picked a student in my classroom to evaluate their literacy abilities. I had to select the assessments given to them and use the data to guide my instruction. In my final report you will find reasonings behind assessment choices, the lessons that I used with the student and the growth that the student made. 

Literacy Work

Technology Leadership

I created a personal manifesto, which is a document that can change and grow as I myself grow as a technology leader. 

A Personal Manifesto which is a summary of the knowledge that I need to work effectively in my current position as a lower elementary school teacher. This was a project that was a part of CEP 815: Technology and Leadership course. 

This artifiact shows my ability to take a tool and use it to meet the needs to a problem.  I had to tell a story about how I adress a specific learning situation in my actual classroom. I chose to discuss text to self connections with my kindergarten students in this digital story. I focused on the social constructivist theory while teaching a reading and writing lesson. We focused on a lesson about text to self connections. To see the learning progression watch my digital story above.

I had to interview students about their understanding about a particular topic. I interviewed 2 of my Kindergarten students on their knowledge of living and non-living things. I hope you enjoy listening to their responses. 

Technology in the Classroom

I created a network learning video in which I had to teach myself a new skill using only online videos and tutorials. I decided to teach my self how to draw with pastel. As you watch the video you can see my experience of how online learning went for me and how I might use this same technique in my classroom. 

I created a lesson plan that incorporated technology into a well thought out lesson. After writing a detailed plan, I taught the lesson in my classroom then wrote up a reflection on how the lesson went and what I would change for the next time. This gave me a great experience about thinking deeply about how to incorperate technology in the most effective way. 

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